Moving People and Goods Seamlessly

State and local transportation agencies play a vital role in our communities and economies by developing and maintaining infrastructure that ensures safe, efficient, and sustainable mobility. They manage diverse activities, including road construction, public transit expansion, and technology integration, while focusing on economic growth, public safety, quality of life, and environmental sustainability. Through strategic planning and innovative solutions, these agencies aim to create a reliable, accessible, and adaptable transportation network that meets current and future needs.

The aim is to deliver a safe, reliable, and efficient transportation system to enhance economic growth, environmental sustainability, and the quality of life for communities. This is achieved by integrating and maintaining the mobility of people and goods.

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Outdated legacy systems, which complicate the integration of new technologies, funding shortfalls, traffic congestion and safety issues are critical areas to overcome.

Reliance on Legacy Systems

Many transportation agencies continue to rely on outdated legacy systems, which complicates the integration of new technologies and hinders overall efficiency. These systems often lack the flexibility and scalability needed to adapt to modern requirements, such as real-time data analytics, smart transportation technologies, and advanced cybersecurity measures.

Funding Shortfalls

There is often a significant gap between available funding and the investments required to maintain and improve transportation infrastructure. This gap impacts the ability to support essential IT projects and upgrades, such as modernizing IT infrastructure, deploying new software solutions, and enhancing cybersecurity defenses.

Traffic Congestion

Increasing vehicle ownership and urbanization have led to severe traffic congestion in many areas, resulting in lost productivity, higher fuel consumption, and increased emissions. Advanced IT solutions, such as intelligent transportation systems (ITS) can optimize traffic flow. However, implementing these technologies can be challenging due to the need for significant investments and coordination across jurisdictions.

Safety Issues

Ensuring the safety of transportation systems remains a persistent challenge, with numerous fatalities occurring annually on roads. IT solutions, such as advanced traffic management systems, predictive analytics for accident prevention, and real-time monitoring of infrastructure, can play a crucial role in improving safety.


Growth is often met with resistance in the form of hurdles from cultural to financial, and organizational barriers.

Organizational Barriers

Coordinating efforts between state and local agencies can be complex, leading to inefficiencies and challenges in IT project planning and execution. Jurisdictional overlaps and differing priorities often hinder cohesive strategies.

Financial Barriers

Limited funding and budget constraints impede the implementation of new IT solutions. Securing resources for technology upgrades and system maintenance is a continuous challenge.

Technological Barriers

Integrating new technologies, such as ITS and autonomous vehicles, into existing infrastructure poses significant challenges. Legacy systems may require extensive upgrades to accommodate these innovations.

Operational Barriers

Managing the daily IT operations of transportation systems involves complex logistics and coordination. A shortage of skilled IT professionals in the public sector can complicate the implementation and maintenance of advanced technologies.

Cultural Barriers

Public resistance to new technologies, such as contactless fare collection or autonomous vehicles, can be slow due to concerns about data privacy or trust. Effective communication strategies are essential to address these concerns and promote acceptance.

Desired Outcomes

Enhanced commuter experiences with reliable and efficient public transit options will result from an accelerated IT project implementation.

Improved Operational Efficiency and Flexibility

Agencies need improved operational efficiency and flexibility through reduced manual effort, lower costs, and quick adaptability via integration tools, cloud platforms, and automation.

Enhanced Data Analysis Capabilities Leads to Better Decision-Making

Agencies seek enhanced data analysis capabilities for better decision-making through advanced analytics tools that provide insights into traffic, maintenance, and user behavior.

More Efficient Use of Limited Financial Resources

Optimize financial resources by adopting cost-effective open-source and cloud solutions to focus funds on essential infrastructure.

Accelerated Implementation of Critical IT Projects

The transportation department needs to accelerate IT project implementation by securing funds swiftly through public-private partnerships and effective grant management tools.


Enhanced Commuter Experience with Reliable and Efficient Public Transit Options

Agencies require reliable and efficient public transit solutions, using real-time tracking and mobile apps to enhance the commuter experience and reduce congestion.


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Digital Strategy and Experience

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Product Development and Integration

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Cloud Transformation

Scalable, secure, and agile cloud infrastructure is taking the industry by storm.

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Analytics, Data Science and AI

Envisage a steady stream of insights through transparent, accessible data.

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Organizational Transformation

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